Video about Project Carbdown: Fighting climate change with basalt rocks (it works)

Youtuber Patrick Niedermayer has created a great explainer video about enhanced weathering with basalt and about Project Carbdown.

Negative emissions through enhanced weathering: Basalt stone reacts with CO₂ and water. The stone weathers, transforming the CO₂ from the air into harmless carbonates in the soil. The CO₂ is caputred in this form for thousands of years.

This is the basic premise behind Project Carbdown, a scientific field trial that aims to determine exactly how quickly and how much CO₂ can be captured using this process.Ideally, this would allow CO₂ to be extracted from the air on a large scale in agricultural fields.


0:00 Project Carbdown
0:34 Basalt can bind CO₂
1:09 Basis: greenhouse effect
2:23 We need carbon neutrality
3:24 Negative emissions from trees (Jelle Bijma)
4:56 this is Project Carbdown
5:49 Enhanced Weathering with Rock Flour
9:18 Business model for farmers
10:20 Conclusion
10:48 hope for the future



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Dirk Paessler